issueid=2178 04-25-2015 05:27 PM
Playing music for buffs or just enjoyment

I got an idea for ingame music playing with instruments. Would be pretty cool and not much out of the timeline/atmosphere of the game.

i was thinking making simple guitars/banjos, drums, harmonicas etc. from various resources found around the world.

And use these instruments to play music either just for enjoyment or even apply buffs to nearby players.

I'm sure others can think of more ideas along these lines!
Issue Details
Issue Number 2178
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 2
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

05-25-2015 07:27 AM
Planned eventually and part of my original design. Music is planned to provide buffs. This won't any time soon though. :-)


05-26-2015 06:53 PM
Xsyon Citizen
This would be awesome, to be able to sync it too, sort of like the LOTRO. where you can get 2 or more people(or in my case) 2 accounts, and put some files into a certain folder and BAM awesome music. :)