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  1. #11

    Glorp here...still under a rock enjoying my moss.

    I left Hamsterbane Huntsmen after seeing no one was returning,,,Made and Alt and started Khatt's House and with the Kind help of Baby, grew quite large. The carrot held in front of all players who try this game (carrot being the want to build ) either took members away, kept most Free to play from subbing or being in essence finished building there was no real push as to where to go from here. This in some ways is my (the leaders) fault. Khatt's house is still around but has no active members besides myself.

    I do have an alt that has started a second tribe and an constantly talking with new players and helping them out. I would consider taking on a apprentice or two but in essence i am solo till i can no longer afford the game ( sorry RL has been calling lately)

  2. #12
    Where have all the tribes gone? What a loaded question. It is sad to see how so many have come and gone. But I am hoping to make a difference with Eroing and the members in Northern Peak. So far we have about 10-12 members that log in a day, so would be considered very active at the moment. We are enjoying the game while we skill up, work on stats, help each other, and yet still find the time to go hunting a few times a week. Ohhh we love our hunting! We are looking forward to the changes coming up! See you all in game! Happy Xsyoning!

  3. #13
    Visitor Ragnar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Gainesville, Florida, United States
    Over on the west side of the lake, along the road in 896 and border of 856 there are a few active tribes.

    Warriors Village - Led by SaintZoilus, as of 30 October had 21 citizen members and 39 total, large area built up near the border of the 2 listed zones along the road.

    Alexandria - East side of the road at the intersection just north of the river near the southern edge of z896. Led by Lehach who is very active in recruiting to grow his tribe. Had 4 unsub members plus himself as of 30 October.

    Honor and Chivalry Traders - My solo tribe, not recruiting, across the road from Alexandria. I have seen many inactive tribes in the area and will try to get more data on them to list here today.
    Last edited by Ragnar; 10-31-2013 at 11:51 AM.

  4. #14
    Warriors Village does not have 21 subscribed members. They have 21 citizens. I doubt they have more than 1 - 10 subscribed.

    There are a few other active tribes around like I said that do not read the forums at all. I can count at least 10 or 15 that play that never post. The southern area is relatively inactive compared to what it normally at, we used to be the most active area in the game. I miss Rainy River

  5. #15
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Scrapper's temple (zone 977 260/510)
    There are a few little hometeads freshly established along the river in zone 977. There are still nice spots to be claimed either terraformed or natural.


  6. #16
    Ive got a small homestead in lake shore have only seen a few active tribes around but lots of inactive ones.

  7. #17
    I homestead around where Warrior's Village is. There is usually a few people in the area, some new settlers too from what I can tell. No clue if they are active or not though.

    I actually saw 2 people in one day a week or so ago. It was amazing. :P

  8. #18
    I had a new player stumble on to my homestead last night and he ended up joing my tribe.

  9. #19
    Yeah one active Member(German) in new and atm lonely Asteria [941 - Secret] and i think 2 or 3 other newbies around here too
    But have one really inactive with 5-8 Revs ca. 250m away

    And i think the most ppl i saw crossing my way were f2p tester ^^

  10. #20
    almost a decade later, i am here to anounce, The Preatorian Guard is still standing and i am for real necroing this thread. Its just me and i dont get to log on much, but i am still very much around! add meh on steam fatboy21007, fastest way to reach me :-)

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